Elementary Students:
Game #1: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Rules: Once the class is separated into two teams, have them discuss in their groups if they are going to pick rock, paper, or scissors. Each group stands in a straight line facing each other about 3 meters apart. On the count of three each team displays what their team chose to play: either rock, paper, or scissors. Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beat paper. The team that beats the other then has to run away to a designated spot in the gym (for example the wall of a line). If the team chasing tags someone from the other team, then they bring them over to their team.
Equipment: enough people and a big open space
Age group: Elementary students probably around the age of grade 3 - 5.
Skills: teamwork, fast reactions, spatial awareness, strategy, running, and chasing.
Game #2: 1,2,3 Look
Rules: This game is simple, but one that can be played with younger students. The class will split into two circles. Everyone in the circles will start with their heads down. When the teacher calls out 1,2,3 look, then everyone in each circle looks up at the people in their own circle. When they look up, if they are looking at the same person that is looking at them, then they have to scream and run to the next circle. This continues until one circle is too small.
Equipment: large group of students and an open area
Skills: Speed of reaction, running, strategy, and honesty.
High School Students:
Game #1: Twisted Sisters Disco Inferno
Rules: Have a small group of students (5-6) hold hands in a straight line, all facing in the same direction. The person at the end puts their hand up against a wall or holds a pole.
The task is for everyone, even the person with their hand around the pole or up against the wall, to end up with their arms folded across their chest.
The students cannot let go of their hands and the person at end must keep their hand on the wall or pole. There are various ways to solve this problem. Give the students plenty of time to discuss ways they think they could solve their task.
Skills: problem solving, teamwork, a different outlook to a PE class, communication and contribution
Game #2: Capture the Flag
Purpose: the purpose of the game is to capture the other team's flag.
Rules: you are safe on your side, but once you cross over to the other team they can tag you and bring you to jail. You are in jail until someone from your team comes to tag you. Once you get the flag, you have to bring it back over to your side to receive the point. You can only free one person from the jail at a time, and their is no guarding of the flags. Must be at least 10 feet away. Once flag is caught, start over.
Skills: teamwork, strategy, running, tagging, and helping others.